Friday, August 13, 2010


Today is my one year running anniversary.  I began a new life, my running life, on August 13, 2009.  I remember it well.  I ran 2.5 miles through the streets of Cuyahoga Falls, with walking spells every half mile or so.  As I progressed, I decided to only walk "that one block" and to run at least 3 or 4 blocks.  It didn't take long to get the walking spells down to 2 or 3 blocks per run.  Pepper ran with me from the beginning.  However, last year was not as hot as this, and we were able to run together always.  I have left her at home for the last few runs because of the heat.

Today's run was 5.6 miles past the clocktower and Rockin' on the River; from there on to the Glens trail, then city streets to State, to Broad and back home.  It was a satisfying run with sweat, blood and cheers - a few teenage girls were impressed with my svelte physique and naked feet and couldn't hold back the appraise.  OK, so maybe some of that is in my head?

When I began, one year ago, it was without shoes and the idea, planted by Christoper McDougall, that if we were born to do this, I had better get to it.  Today I am so much better off than the day before I started.  Like many, I had "run" before.  As part of my high school hockey team, we went out for 2 mile runs, on occasion, before the season started.  I "hated" every minute.  Today, I consider running fun.

I consider barefoot running essential.  I bought my vff's in December and used them mostly for that month and the following January and February, with a few bf winter runs sprinkled in.  I do like the Snow.  Otherwise, all of my running is barefoot.  I try to do most things outside of running barefoot as well.  I get told off by the "establishment" on occasion, and usually argue the merits of a barefoot lifestyle with them, or just let it slide and get out of there with my beer.

On to the Blood!
Today's run was also fret with injuries.  I smashed my left big toe on a rock on  Glens Trail, then dragged the same on on the sidewalk on State Road.  These two injuries got the juices flowing.  Then I dragged my right big toe on the Broad Street Sidewalk, but it was only a scrape and no blood.  I think both Barefoot Josh and Viper are playing Opposum (see picture above) and aren't actually hurt.  Since they have shown no proof, I believe they are only trying to psyche out their potential competitors, lulling them into a sense of confidence with stories of broken toes.  So, here is my gory photo of the day:

No one can say I'm faking it!  This stuff ain't always easy or pain free.  But I'll take this pain any day over the pain of a heart attack.


  1. Happy Anniversary and heres to many many more!! Possums are funny :)

  2. Nice toe - Johnny O! :) Johnny, I'm a member of the Barefoot Runners Society ( I think you might find some kindred spirits there. Or at least some goofy barefoot runners! Membership is by invitation only, so if you would like an invite, drop me an email to mikerives(at)gmail(dot)com. Take care and good running!

  3. Happy anniversary! Sorry I didn't post a pic of my broken toe - it just looks a little fat. I straightened it out before I had access to a camera, even if I had thought of it. But I posted pics of my nymph tic bites, so surely that counts for something.

    If the rule of three applies, you're #3. So no one else can get hurt. Way to take the bullet.

  4. Hrm, the bruise just showed up on my toe the other day, but it won't beat your carnage. Happy one year. Cheers.
